Our Online Event Management Service helps with customized social media strategies for your events. We build excellent online branding through pre-event campaigns using various social media elements like Blog, Twitter, Facebook and more. During the event we provide lots of value by means of Unconferences, live blogging, live tweeting, podcasts and so on. Post event we continue to interact with audience, collect feedbacks, publicize the event and build a base for next event.
In Summary, our online event management can provide a virtually unlimited reach for your event, at a cost that is fraction of traditional advertisement. We're the preferred social media partners for IAMAI, NASSCOM, CII and many other organizations and we'll be happy to hear from you.
Events we have covered:
IAMAI 2nd Mobile Ad Conference, Mumbai April 2010
IAMAI National Security & Digital Technology Conference, New Delhi, March 2010
CII Connect Conferences, 2008 and 2009, Chennai
NASSCOM India Leadership Summit, 2008 and 2009, Mumbai
WebInnovation.in Summit, 2008 and 2009, Mumbai & Bangalore
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